Support Us

You can support us on Patreon at Our show is independently run, and donations allow us to pay our cast and crew. We also have a variety of rewards for patrons including early episode release. Check it out!

If you don’t have cash to spare, you can also support us by leaving a review! We really appreciate it.

Thanks to our season 1 Indiegogo supporters: Gus, Jean Stock, Emma Puranen, Sarah Zdanowski, Philipp Gaissert, Kelly Smemo, Z.L. Zhou, Olivia Ortiz, Michelle Nickolaisen, Annie Tvetenstrand and Katherine C!

And thanks to Alex Koppel, Emma Puranen, N, Negev, Peri, Sandra Vucenovic, Jan Ma, Jeff Van Dreason, Olivia Ortiz, Gus Gustafson, Rachel Rauch, Clau-chau Nichol, and Carla for supporting us on Patreon!